Unità documentaria 0117 (0071) - Arbeijder fra den danske arktiske station paa Disko : n° 2 : List of vascular plants from the South coast of the Nugsuaq peninsula in West Greenland, n° 3 : The plant-life of Hare Island off the coast of West Greenland, n° 4 : Actinometrical observations from Greenland, n° 6 Vascular plants of West Greenland between 71° and 73° N. lat., n° 8 : Naturfredning i dansk grønland, n° 13 : Stray contributions to the flora of Greenland I-V, n° 14 : Alien plants and apophytes of Greenland, n° 15 : Stray contributions to the flora of Greenland VI-XII / Morten P. Porsild:

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0117 (0071)


Arbeijder fra den danske arktiske station paa Disko : n° 2 : List of vascular plants from the South coast of the Nugsuaq peninsula in West Greenland, n° 3 : The plant-life of Hare Island off the coast of West Greenland, n° 4 : Actinometrical observations from Greenland, n° 6 Vascular plants of West Greenland between 71° and 73° N. lat., n° 8 : Naturfredning i dansk grønland, n° 13 : Stray contributions to the flora of Greenland I-V, n° 14 : Alien plants and apophytes of Greenland, n° 15 : Stray contributions to the flora of Greenland VI-XII / Morten P. Porsild:


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Editeur: København : B. Lunos, 1910-1930 [n° 2-13], København : C. A. Reitzel, 1932-1935 [n° 14, 15]. – Collation: 8 vol. : [350 p.] : (ill. ), 28 cm . – Langue: Anglais. – Collection:

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      Auteur(s)/Intervenant(s) : Porsild Morten P.

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